Black Friday Discounts 2014

Black Friday Discounts 2014

Posted on Nov 25, 2015 by Administrator

The deals you've been waiting for all year! Save up to 35% on your purchase from Intelliants team. We have a lot of news to share with you. You will be surprised how many new stuff we have here at Intelliants, including new Subrion CMS 3.2, new and websites, new plugins & templates. So take your seats and get ready for a long story. Winter has arrived, and that means holiday shopping. Why not give yourself a gift this year? In keeping with Intelliants...
Now More Powerful & Flexible Than Ever Before

Now More Powerful & Flexible Than Ever Before

Posted on Nov 19, 2015 by Administrator

The development team behind Subrion CMS – Intelliants, have recently announced a major update for their flagship content management system, calling it Subrion CMS 3. Subrion is an open-source PHP content management system which has always aimed to be as comprehensive as possible in terms of functionality, whilst holding true to it's user-friendly ethos. Key features such as full source editing, per-page permissions and extensive plugin options have always been...

Custom Block

This custom block is created in Admin Dashboard. You don't need to edit any html / php files to create new blocks. Everything could be easily created in admin panel.

You can create several types of blocks including Smarty, HTML, Plain Text or even PHP. Check Admin Dashboard / Content / Blocks management page.