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Data-Driven Design In The Real World

Data-Driven Design In The Real World

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Posted on Oct 22, 2015 by Administrator

As more designers and writers look to analytics to inform their decisions, many still struggle to implement their findings in a sustainable, ongoing way. Too often, testing and analysis are one-off activities, providing plenty of important-looking numbers but not lot of context or specific direction. After more than five years helping content and design teams capture, measure and understand website performance data (client-side at  Bazaarvoice  and now at  Volusion ),... Accessing Vector Icons Without Leaving Photoshop Accessing Vector Icons Without Leaving Photoshop

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Posted on Oct 3, 2015 by Administrator

There is no doubt that the Web is full of websites that are packed with free icon packs, and that doesn’t necessarily make it easier for designers to find their way around when they’re looking for a particular icon for a particular project. When you’re in your creative zone and have an idea about something that would perfectly fit in your design, you don’t have time to waste and struggle with finding the right asset.  is a Photoshop extension...
Good Content Is Too Valuable To Die

Good Content Is Too Valuable To Die

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Posted on Sep 30, 2015 by Administrator

When I started developing websites back in the day, I was lucky to have hundreds of valuable, practical articles that would help me become better at what I did. I could learn day and night, and whenever I discovered a new tool or technique, I would bookmark it on Delicious for future reference. I knew the value of each article and of each bookmark, and I kept revisiting and carefully tagging them for months and months — almost every day. Years have passed. The landscape has...
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Custom Block

This custom block is created in Admin Dashboard. You don't need to edit any html / php files to create new blocks. Everything could be easily created in admin panel.

You can create several types of blocks including Smarty, HTML, Plain Text or even PHP. Check Admin Dashboard / Content / Blocks management page.