Making and Monetizing a Coupon Website
Posted on 25 April, 2017 by Administrator

Coupon websites are sites that offer up-to-date deals on businesses’ products and services. These can be online or offline deals. People searching the web for discounts find the site and use the coupons. Recently, sites offering mobile coupons have been especially popular. One of the best known of these sites is
Coupon sites are a win-win for everyone involved. Customers get good deals. Businesses can save money by offering coupons online rather than offline, which costs more for them. As a marketer, you can create and market a successful coupon site and find ways to monetize it.
Creating a Coupon Site
It’s quite easy to create your own coupon site. There are templates available for WordPress and Joomla, as well as services that let you run the site on their own backend. These sites are ready to set up; you simply need to provide content and coupons.
Before you create your site, it’s a good idea to look at some coupon sites that are already online. This is a great way to get ideas, and knowing what is already out there can help you differentiate your site from others.
You’ll need to drive a great deal of traffic to your site, so make it fully search engine optimized. Choose a domain name that uses the words ‘coupons,’ ‘deals’, ‘discounts’, or the selected keywords you’re targeting. Use these keywords throughout the site’s content, as well as any other phrases that identify your site.
Monetizing Your Coupon Site
There are two common ways to monetize coupon sites. One is to place paid advertisements on the site. The other is to charge businesses to list their coupons. Both are viable ways to monetize, but you need to have a great deal of traffic in order to make them work.
Before you launch the site, you need to decide on a pricing structure. Some coupon sites charge businesses a monthly or annual subscription rate to list their coupons. Others offer performance-based pricing such as Pay Per Listing or Pay Per Download. If you’re monetizing the site through paid advertisements, you may choose to list businesses’ coupons for free.