World of Wisdomly Words

by Administrator on Dec 11, 2014 Poetry 129 Views
World of Wisdomly Words

World of Wisdomly Words What do you think about when you hear the word “wisdom” coming out of someone’s mouth? Perhaps, you just look at them dumb-foundedly because you’re not sure of it’s true meaning. Or maybe you understand and slightly acknowledge the meaning of wisdom, but your motivation for life period isn’t driven within. But, if you’re anything like “The Originiques”, wisdom circulates you frequently and you are determined to reach your destiny. As I walk the streets on an everyday basis to get to and from, I observe the people: from the way they carry themselves in public to the smallest inner-thoughts of their minds that speak so loudly. Ninety percent of the time, I can’t believe what I see. Explanations from ignorance is not hot! You’re not fly, and it sure doesn’t get you by in this lifetime. Just because you’re pushin’ the Lambo and the Benz, clearing the coast for fly women (ladies, this goes for you too, charming them men) “DOES NOT” mean you have wisdom. That is purely self-motivation…BIG difference!Wisdom is truly a gift from God. Either you’re blessed with it from birth or you learn and transform. Some advice on being prudent: this transformation will not happen overnight. This is serious and it takes time. For those of you who could care less: this is ignorant; please surround yourself around people with wisdom, learn, transform, and see a BIG difference. My last thought, but not least thought of goes out to the children. How could you forget about them? For they are the future so encourage them and lead them into tomorrow. If you, by chance, happen to be an artist reading this message and you stumble across a child that’s destined to be an actor, poet/songwriter, please enlighten them, even if they are, say perhaps, just seven. They’ll probably be the ones to tell you how those “good-for-nothing terrorists” struck the towers on 9/11.Be encouraged and submerge yourself around “wisdom” God Bless!




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