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Three fundamental reasons to create a web directory

Three fundamental reasons to create a web directory

by Administrator on Sep 30, 2011

Some people wonder why webmasters do create directories at all. Some would say they are born thousands everyday and die out thousands next month. What is the reason to create them? Money, SEO (Search Engine Optimization), some indirect benefits? Some people don’t know how they can utilize their directories to the fullest and newbies, don’t know the purpose of directories at all. In fact there are so many purposes directory can be used for. It is not only links collection, but rather a valuable source of information and monetizing. It is helpful both for the visitors and owners. All the reasons why directories are being created you can explore in this chapter. First of all, let me remind the history of directories. Originally directories started to appear when the number of websites on the Internet has significantly increased. It became difficult to find relevant and quality websites. It was Yahoo who first collected websites with descriptions in ... Continue reading →


Enhanced Admin Dashboard, Plugin Installation & Fields Management

by Administrator on Nov 19, 2013

The most obvious improvement introduced by Subrion CMS 3, is the enhanced admin dashboard. The core version comes in a selection of 5 diffverent colours by default, making it easy to customize your experience right out of the box. Continue reading →


Responsive Design Frameworks: Just Because You Can, Should You?

by Administrator on Feb 20, 2014

Responsive design is about building a website with a grid-based layout, images that resize and media queries, as described by Ethan Marcotte. After Marcotte defined the technique, responsive design frameworks began to emerge that incorporated these principles. Mostly based on CSS and JavaScript, many of these frameworks are open-source, free to download and quickly customizable. Continue reading →

Useful Learning Resources For Web Designers

Useful Learning Resources For Web Designers

by Administrator on Feb 20, 2014

Fortunately, learning is not limited to only a small minority of people anymore; it is not even limited to visiting a school or a university. The Internet makes it possible for us to distribute knowledge at a small price, and is full of resources to expand everyone’s knowledge on an enormous variety of topics. Continue reading →

A guide to the web directory Search Engine Friendliness

A guide to the web directory Search Engine Friendliness

by Administrator on Dec 9, 2014

There is no incentive for people to submit their web sites to the web directory, unless it is SEF directory. Why is that so? Really? How one can make a SE friendly directory? What are the criteria of SE friendliness? That many questions arise when someone mentions SE friendliness. This chapter's goal is to answer these questions and to provide a comprehensive guide of directory SE friendliness. What does the SEF directory mean? The main criterion of a «Search Engine Friendly» directory is that all links in such directory are direct links and can be easily crawled by search engine spiders. It means that search engine robots scan pages and links on them can be cached and assigned a page rank. That is why such a directory is called a SEF directory. Why SE friendliness is the only incentive for people to submit their websites to a directory? It is so because SEF directories are useful in promoting websites. ... Continue reading →

Tools for the Modern Front End Developer’s Workflow

Tools for the Modern Front End Developer’s Workflow

by Administrator on Nov 19, 2015

Front end web developers hold a great responsibility to craft pixel-perfect layouts that run properly in all web browsers. Over time this has become easier with more advanced browsers and greater development tools. While everyone knows about HTML and CSS, fewer people know about Sass and Haml. Front end development continues to advance with each passing year and it’s the role of the developer to stay on top of these changes. If you’ve felt a little shaky with your front end skills or just want a refresher about some of the newer techniques, this guide is for you. I’ll cover a handful of popular tools and resources that every front end developer should use or at least know about. CSS Preprocessors Perhaps the most well-known CSS preprocessor is Sass, followed closely by Less. These are both libraries of code that parse custom CSS syntax to create more dynamic and modular code. The term “Sass” refers to the technology and the syntax. Sass files can ... Continue reading →
