Phone | +996 555 751574 |
Website | intelliants.com |
Biography | Sed magna purus, fermentum eu, tincidunt eu, varius ut, felis. In auctor lobortis lacus. Etiam ultricies nisi vel augue. Donec vitae orci sed dolor rutrum auctor. Ut non enim eleifend felis pretium feugiat. |
Member since | May 8, 2017 |

Tools for the Modern Front End Developer’s Workflow
Front end web developers hold a great responsibility to craft pixel-perfect layouts that run properly in all web browsers. Over time this has become easier with more advanced browsers and greater development tools. While everyone knows about HTML and CSS, fewer people know about Sass and Haml. Front end development continues to advance with each passing year and it’s the role of the developer to stay on top of these changes. If you’ve felt a little shaky with your front end skills or just want a refresher about some of the newer techniques, this guide is for you. I’ll cover a handful of popular tools and resources that every front end developer should use or at least know about. CSS Preprocessors Perhaps the most well-known CSS preprocessor is Sass, followed closely by Less. These are both libraries of code that parse custom CSS syntax to create more dynamic and modular code. The term “Sass” refers to the technology and the syntax. Sass files can ... Continue reading →

A Better Way To Design For Retina In Photoshop
Are you designing at “Retina” resolution in Photoshop? If the answer is yes, then this article is for you. I will walk you through the problems I faced in creating Retina mockups to be displayed on a tablet device. I will then explain a way to work that is easier and gives you better performance. This is about my experience with Photoshop, but it could be applied to Illustrator and other software. Now, let’s get into the design of this tablet application. Like many other designers, I had been told that one must design at Retina resolution. The general consensus is @2x or @3x. So, I set out on my merry way, designing @2x. The design would be presented on a Nexus 9 with a 4:3 ratio, so my Photoshop canvas was set up to 2048 × 1536 pixels. After creating a few screens, I realized in practice this doesn’t work well at all. Let’s work through the issues I found. At first, this is no big deal. Zoom out to 50% or 33% to see your design at roughly ... Continue reading →

The Highwaymen, A School of African-American Artists Who Hawked Their Work On the Side of the Road
FLORIDA. It was an era when most African Americans in Fort Pierce were relegated to working in kitchens or fields, when Jim Crow prevented them from using the same water fountains as whites, and few, if any, black artists could be found in history books. Despite the obstacles, a loose group of creative and entrepreneurial African Americans dared to break the bounds of poverty and segregation by capturing the rugged natural beauty that they saw around them. With quick strokes of their brushes and swift sweeps of bold colors with palette knives, they captured vibrant coastal sunsets framed by palms, royal Poinciana trees in flaming red bloom, and interior wetlands touched by egrets, ibis, and roseate spoonbills. Since most galleries in the 1950s and 1960s refused to sell African-American art, these artists sold their creations for about twenty-five dollars apiece out of the trunks of their cars along Florida’s Atlantic coast. They went door to door at white-owned businesses ... Continue reading →

World of Wisdomly Words
World of Wisdomly Words What do you think about when you hear the word “wisdom” coming out of someone’s mouth? Perhaps, you just look at them dumb-foundedly because you’re not sure of it’s true meaning. Continue reading →
Limericks - How to Write Them
Everybody's heard a good limerick before and most of us can recall a couple that have stuck with us through the years. They're a simple little verse with good rhythm (or meter if you're an English major), good rhymes and a good punch line at the end. Continue reading →

What You Should Know About Internet Broadband Access
This article is dedicated as a coaching guide to provide Internet users with information on the fast Internet broadband access available today and the different types of broadband service you can select. Continue reading →

Consumer Satisfaction With TV, ISP Providers Falls Further
Most of us couldn't imagine life without our cable or satellite TV, high-speed Internet access and wireless communications. They've become basic utilities, and we pay handsomely for them. Yet, we aren't very satisfied with the service we get. According to the latest American Customer Satisfaction Index, customer satisfaction with subscription TV (cable, satellite and fiber optic service) and Internet service providers continues to decline. Satisfaction with pay TV fell 4.4 percent, to an ACSI score of 65 (on a 100-point scale), while ISPs -- which include many of the same companies -- dropped 3.1 percent to 63. These are the lowest scores of all 43 industries tracked by ACSI. "Customers question the value proposition of both, as consumers pay for more than they need in terms of subscription TV, and get less than they want in terms of Internet speeds and reliability," said Claes Fornell, ACSI chairman and founder. The survey finds that customers are much more ... Continue reading →
How VoIP Works
If you've never heard of VoIP, get ready to change the way you think about long-distance phone calls. VoIP, or Voice over Internet Protocol, is a method for taking analog audio signals Continue reading →

GPS eye for slippery trucks
NEW DELHI: Oil marketing companies (OMCs), including IOC, BPCL and HPCL, have been instructed to install global positioning system (GPS) to monitor the movement of tank trucks from the depots to retail outlets in a bid to check adulteration. Further, the government is targeting complete automation of all retail outlets selling more than 200 kilolitres (KL) per month by March '07. An aggressive strategy has been chalked out to tackle the menace of petroleum adulteration, which according to recent government estimates is worth over Rs 15,000 crore. A slew of measures, including adoption of Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) for petrol and diesel, BIS certification and third-party inspections, installation of micro-processor controlled state-of-the-art dispensing machines and introduction of gas chromatography test for testing petrol and diesel have been suggested. The OMCs have been asked to complete third-party certification of all retail outlets selling more than 100 KL per ... Continue reading →

GPS, a must have for companies
Just a few years ago, every one said it was unnecessary; that customers didn't want it, and that even if they wanted it, they weren't willing to pay for it, and to top it all, it was too expensive. Everyone thought the technology needed to be adapted. Not any more. We're talking about GPS, or Global Positioning Systems. This system is used to accurately pinpoint the location of a vehicle or entity on the surface of the earth, whether on sea or land or air. A typical GPS system consists of over 24 satellites at around 22,000 km above the earth, a transponder-receiver on the ground unit, and a GSM, or the cellular network on the ground. The idea is triangulation: signals sent from the satellites are collated, analysed for distance and location in the ground unit and bounced off to the cellular network by sms. Digitised maps can be superimposed to get the location of the truck. GPS is already being used for purposes as diverse as vehicle tracking, to earthquake and water ... Continue reading →

7 Quick Landscape Composition Guidelines
Visit most any photo site on the web, and the vast majority of images you'll see are of people, nature and architecture. These are the overarching topics that are then subdivided - people in foreign lands, formal portraiture, kids, etc. / landscapes, seascapes, wildlife, etc. / cityscapes, isolated iconic buildings, close ups of buildings and their reflections, etc. While the text and sample images of this article focus on landscapes, the same principles can be applied to most of the listed subjects above. So study the following hints and tips and think how you can substitute Subject A, B, or C into each. It's All About the Light: The most dramatic light occurs at sunrise and sunset. The color is warm, it reveals shape and texture due to the low angle, and if there are clouds, the colors can be spectacular. While being out at sunset isn't much of a sacrifice, getting up at the crack of dawn can be a struggle. But if you don't, you'll miss some of the best light of ... Continue reading →
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