Are you designing at “Retina” resolution in Photoshop? If the answer is yes, then this article is for you. I will walk you through the problems I faced in creating Retina mockups to be displayed on a tablet device. I will then explain a way to work that is easier and gives you better performance. This is about my experience with Photoshop, but it could be applied to Illustrator and other software.
Now, let’s get into the design of this tablet application. Like many other designers, I had been told that one must design at Retina resolution. The general consensus is @2x or @3x. So, I set out on my merry way, designing @2x. The design would be presented on a Nexus 9 with a 4:3 ratio, so my Photoshop canvas was set up to 2048 × 1536 pixels. After creating a few screens, I realized in practice this doesn’t work well at all. Let’s work through the issues I found.
At first, this is no big deal. Zoom out to 50% or 33% to see your design at roughly 1:1. But at the same time, it’s a bit ridiculous, right? Why should you have to zoom in and out constantly to see what’s going on? It also completely ruins pixel-snapping, which works best at 100%. It’s almost impossible to know whether a pixel is aligned when you are zoomed at 33% or 50%! Suffice it to say, I got pretty fed up zooming in and out like a maniac to get things aligned pixel-perfectly.
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